Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Freedom Of Expression

This is the mail i sent to the editor of 'Deccan Herald' just now regarding the tamasha around 'M.F. Hussain'.

This is with respect to M.F.Hussain's statement that India has rejected him.I felt that your editorial 'Net effect' related to Google & Freedom of Expression as a great coincidence or 'perfect timing' if in case its intentional. I agree with this editorial that freedom of expression cannot be infinite and being offensive, insulting and inflammatory cannot be defended in the name of freedom of expression. In the case of Mr M.F. Hussain, this is exactly what's happening. According to Mr. M.F. Hussain, Qatar will put no restrictions on his 'freedom of expression'. Borrowing the analogy from your article i would like to see Qatar defending his freedom of expression if he desecrates any of their sacred state or religious symbols. It might be possible that instead of slapping court cases, bigots there can chop his hands without even a chance to explain his stand. I am sad to find the so-called secular English TV Media defending M.F. Hussain tooth and nail without giving a hoot to the sentiments of people whose sacred symbols were insulted by him.


P.S: On a lighter note, i hope i am not abusing my 'freedom of expression'. Even though if i do, i think the difference might be i would accept and immediately mend it. So please bring it to my notice if i am abusing my 'freedom of expression'.

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